
Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad - "Sunshine Dub"

After having seen them once at Nateva Festival, and been given their album by two separate people, it took me long enough to realize how awesome these dudes were, or that dub is appropriate for all occasions. This is from their album "Slow Down", it sounds like you're rolling in France on a sunny afternoon, and it should be listened to on repeat, again and again. The entire album is good, so no download for this one, just snag it on itunes if it tickles your fancy.


  1. Awesome post! This video is so old though. Check out http://LivePanda.com for free downloads and new releases. More current Videos here http://youtube.com/giantpandadub

  2. Yes this video is too old. This old video represents former GPGDS members Rachel Orke and Matt O'Brian that are no longer in the band. To hear more roots melodica sounds check out their new band Thunder Body at www.thunderbody.com! Much Love
