
EOTO - Bass Invaders Tour

I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse. In preparation for EOTO's spring Bass Invaders Tour, the kind heads at Rockstar Digital have sent over a free, exclusive track from EOTO's new live album. For the low, low price of your e-mail address, you can grab "Zuskim" here before the album drops. If you've never heard of the Duo, now is a great time to listen up. EOTO is comprised of one part Jason Hann and one part Michael Travis (both of SCI fame.) This project is nothing like their previous explorations, and represents an entirely new direction towards heavy bass, glitchy synth and constant improvisation.

In addition to great free beats, the other exciting news involves their ridiculous new stage setup, dubbed 'The Lotus Stage', which you can marvel at below.

If you live in Florida, you best be coming to Wanee later this month. Travis & Jason will be playing the womps on the 21st of this lovely month, along with some other great acts. Check it out and grab the free track below!

EOTO - "Zuskim"